The Event Management System (EMS) Just Got More Room:
The EMS editing room simplifies collaboration for uniform communication of incident messages
Just in time for the holiday season, MENTZ GmbH added a new module to the Event Management System (EMS). This development allows EMS users from different transport companies access to various rooms separated by administrative region, where they can contribute to the content of incident messages. The result: fewer personnel resources devoted to creating and editing messages and improved uniformity of incident-related information.
MENTZ developed the new “editing room” in collaboration with the Baden-Württemberg Transport Association (NVBW), the Basel Transport Company (BVB), and Baselland Transport AG (BLT).
“In developing the EMS editing room, we were able to translate our requirements to enter and manage incident messages and other passenger information into a new software module,” confirmed Marcus Müller, technical project manager for the BVB.
Project stakeholders collaboratively developed the module step-by-step and resolved challenges in multiple sprints. “With this staged approach, we were able to deliver the required content in a timely manner,” said Nadja Winter, project manager at MENTZ.
She continued, “I should add that the close collaboration and collegial atmosphere at work contributed a significant amount to the project’s ultimate success.”
The good news for all EMS customers: the EMS editing room solution is available as a license extension to all MENTZ customers.
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