MENTZ Visits The Windy City

At METRA in Chicago, employees participated in MENTZ-led workshops to enrich their knowledge of MENTZ products: DIVA Deployment and DIVA Crew Terminal. Our colleague Michael von Ziegler got an up-close look at METRA Crew Caller processes and was able to discuss software enhancements ordered by METRA. This type of attention to detail enables us to constantly improve our software and modify it to fit a customer’s existing processes and work flows.

Recently and due to the integration of an American third-party software, METRA can now make robocalls to its train crews. Not only will this new feature significantly improve collaboration and work-life balance for its crews, but has been hailed as a big plus for a new generation of employees who wanted more automation. Crew dispatchers can now focus on digitally approving time off, which results in significantly reduced waiting times for everyone involved. 

from left to right: Cle Shaw, Sandra Blue, Luz Roman-Ellison, Michael von Ziegler, Greg J.M. Godfrey