Putting graph theory into practice
Time table and duty schedulers can build beautiful services for driving staff fully automatically, for example to avoid split duties, to exclude unnecessarily long breaks and to adhere to local laws.
As a working student, Lukas worked for MENTZ in the development team for the GENIOS optimisation software. “Because of Corona, I worked mainly from home, but that worked out very well. Mathematicians can work very well from home,” reports the 24-year-old.
It all started with an eight-week internship on “Routing and Optimisation” at the MENTZ office in Stuttgart. “Studying mathematics can sometimes be dull. But at MENTZ it was nice to see how maths theory is applied in practice”, Lukas says. His mathematical operations are used in the GENIOS optimiser. “With GENIOS, different criteria are weighted differently. Time table and duty schedulers can build beautiful services for driving staff fully automatically, for example to avoid split duties, to exclude unnecessarily long breaks and to adhere to local laws,” Lukas explains.
For the transport companies that use GENIOS, this leads to happier staff and optimal, economical use of the fleet.
Join MENTZ as a mathematics or computer science student
His master’s thesis on “Matching Hypergraphs” at the University of Ulm was jointly supervised by his mathematics professor and two MENTZ employees with doctorates from the Munich and Münster offices:
Dr. Roland Hesse and Dr. Markus-Ludwig Wermer are the heads of their departments and experts in the fields of “Genetic Optimisation” and “Graph Theory”. Both are part of the GENIOS optimiser team at MENTZ. Markus specialises in .NET development and planning and optimisation systems in the field of public transport. “Now, after successfully completing his Master’s degree, Lukas first wants to do a doctorate at university, which we are happy to support,” says Markus.
In addition to supervising Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, MENTZ also offers three jobs with dual studies in computer science. In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Münster, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and the University of Applied Sciences Munich, there is one place each in the MENTZ field offices in Münster and Stuttgart as well as in the company headquarters in Munich.
More information about the dual study possibilities: